Kielten tutorhankkeen päätösseminaarissa on ainutlaatuinen mahdollisuus päästä työskentelemään yhdessä kokeneiden kieltenopettajien kanssa. Ulrike Sievers ja Alex Spencer tuovat tuulahduksen kieltenopetuksen käytännöistä ja näkymistä Euroopan steinerkouluissa sekä kieltenopettajien koulutuksesta. Yhteisessä työskentelyssä keskustellaan, ideoidaan ja ratkaistaan käytännöllisiä kieltenopetuksen pulmia. Ulriken ja Alexin “pedagogisesta keittokirjoista” löytyy paljon reseptejä, jotka jäävät osallistujien käyttöön. Kaiken keskustelun keskipisteenä on kuitenkin oppilas ja se miksi häntä autetaan kielten oppimisen maailmaan.
Ilmoittautuminen / REGISTRATION before 21st of March via this form.
Link to the seminar will be sent to the participants on the 25th of March.
- How to engage pupils in language learning?
- How to encourage pupils to use a foreign language?
- How to give a voice to pupils in foreign languages?
- How to learn different competences through language learning?
A seminar to language teachers from preschool to high school
26th of March
from 10 to 14 EET on Zoom
Lectures are held in English
Dialogical lecture: Letting pupils shine through language learning: Ulrike Sievers & Alex Spencer
Dialogical working in two groups (includes 30 min break)
- For pre-school to class 6 teachers(Alex Spencer)
- For middle school + high school teachers (Ulrike Sievers)
The conclusion of the project – Kielten tutorhankkeen päätös: Paula Keskinen, Pia Pale
The final seminar of the Language Tutor project will be a unique opportunity to work with experienced language teachers. Ulrike Sievers and Alex Spencer will give a glimpse of language teaching practices and perspectives in European Steiner schools and language teacher training. Working together, you will discuss, brainstorm and solve practical language teaching dilemmas with them. Ulrike’s and Alex’s ”pedagogical cookbooks” contain many recipes that will be kept available for the participants. However, at the heart of all the discussions are the learners and why they are being helped in the world of language learning.

Ulrike Sievers changed from studying medicine to training to be a teacher of biology and English. She taught her subjects at the Freie Waldorfschule Elmshorn for 20 years and is now a teacher and school leader at the Christian Morgenstern Schule, an inner-city school in Hamburg. She also works in teacher education at the Waldorf seminar in Hamburg.
Ulrike gives courses for Waldorf language teachers on platform and has written a book “Creative teaching, sustainable learning – a holistic approach to foreign language teaching and learning” (2017) about language teaching in Steiner Waldorf schools.

Alex Spencer has been teaching as a Waldorf language teacher in Berlin since 2009. As a native speaker from England, her particular focus is on creating an authentic space for the children of the lower school to experience themselves speaking, singing, and playing in the English language. Through the rich tradition of nursery rhymes as well as carefully thought through gestures and actions, children are invited to *do* rather than *think*, to play rather than work. The language-learning then happens unconsciously all by itself! Alex Spencer has been giving teacher-training courses at English Week for several years and more recently at the Seminar for Waldorf Pedagogy in Hamburg.